How to quit smoking ?

So you want to quit smoking ?. Congratulations to you because this is going to be the best decision you can make for your health & other people’s health too. Why is smoking so addictive & why is it so hard to quit ?. I’m giving you a fact that’ll blow your mind. An average cigarette contains 600 chemicals & if that’s not high enough once it’s lit it amounts to about 7000 chemicals. Out of 7000 of those chemicals, nicotine is the one that makes it so addictive. What does it do ?. It stimulates your nerves. The nerves then release dopamine & the dopamine makes us feel good which is 1 of the reasons why it’s so addictive.
Smoking cigarettes or tobacco is both a physical & psychological habit. Nicotine addiction is 1 of the worst form of addiction. People smoke to cope with anxiety, depression, stress, fatigue, boredom, or just for getting a high feeling. Nicotine gives a feel-good effect on the brain & it’s very addictive. Smoking is a kind of daily ritual. People tend to smoke with their morning tea, at lunch breaks in the office, on their way back home after office, before going to sleep at night. One needs to address both the addiction & the habits to successfully quit smoking. It can be done with the right support, plan & guidance even if you’ve tried & failed several times before.
Different method to quit smoking
How do we stop & quit smoking well ?. You can opt for the cold turkey method. Cold turkey is a little difficult. Or you can double your chances of quitting by using a Nicotine Replacement Therapy product which is NRT. NRT products help to manage your cravings under control as you withdraw from smoking cigarettes. There are various brands of NRT available. So wherever you are in the world you might have different brands that are available that you can buy from the pharmacies.

You can have sugar-free gums, Nicotex patches, or Nicotex gums. Pop these sticky square patches onto your skin for 16 or 24 hours the nicotine will be absorbed through your skin to help reduce that background craving for a cigarette.

Sugar-free gums come in fresh mint or fruit flavors. To get the most out of your gum keep on chewing a piece until you taste the flavor. Park it between your gum & cheek for the nicotine to be absorbed. Gum is great for impulsive cravings.
Lozenges or cough sweets are small sugar-free sweets ideal for countering impulsive cravings. You simply suck on 1 lozenge & move it around your mouth until it disappears.
Micro tabs are another good option if chewing gum is not your thing. These tiny tablets are for you. They dissolve under your tongue & are equally great for the impulsive cravings option.
Another option is an inhalator with cartridges. This small plastic tube holds a refillable pure nicotine cartridge & has no vapor release. So you don’t have to go outside to use it to inhale.
The mouth spray is also a very good option to combat strong impulsive cravings. Spray once or twice into the side of your cheek to curb your cravings.
Talk to yourself & set a goal
Have a spare time to talk to yourself. Are you a heavy or a social smoker ?. If you smoke more than a pack a day then you’re a heavy smoker. You need to find out whether you do certain activities that trigger your urge to smoke ?. Do you’ve got the cravings to smoke after every meal or whenever you take a short break at the office ?. Do you want to smoke whenever you’re stressed out for feeling low ?. Set a goal after you get the answer from yourself.
List down all the reasons why you need to quit
Grab yourself a pen & paper & write down a list of all the reasons why you want to quit. You can write stuff like for example you want to spend more time with your loved ones. You want to watch them grow older. That’s one of the reasons why you want to quit smoking now. You want to stay healthy. If you ever get the craving that you want to smoke that cigarette look at the list & remember all the reasons why you want to quit.
Another reason that you may want to quit is the health benefits & there are loads of them. For example, reducing your risk of lung cancer & reducing your risk of many different cancers. You need to stay active. If you’re the type of person who has cravings & impulses to have a cigarette then exercise. Just going for a walk is a really good option for you. It’s going to release chemicals that are going to help reduce your cravings.
How to quit smoking / Get rid of smoking accessories
You need to get rid of those smoking accessories. So it’s not just about getting rid of your cigarettes. You need to get rid of the smoking accessories as well. For example, your lighter, your ashtray & any kind of smoking accessories. Get rid of them. Replace the ashtray with a nice coaster, with a nice coffee mug on top of it. You can have your tea or your coffee in it. So it’s all about reducing the temptation to smoke. Also, reward yourself whenever you overcome a strong craving to smoke.
Write down your smoking trigger factors
Write down those triggers & write an action plan to help stop you from smoking. For example, being around people who smoke is going to trigger you to smoke as well. So avoid people or groups who’re chain smokers. Have an action plan. Make sure that you’re not hanging around with smokers for the time being until you quit smoking fully.
Ask help and support from your friend and family
Tell people that you’re wanting to quit. Tell your friends & family & loved ones. They’re all out there to support you & to help you in this process. You can also join forums & groups that are also quitting smoking. You’ll receive lots of support & advice from people which will boost your morale. You’ll be happy in life.
Let’s say you’ve had your last cigarette & you’ve now quit. Just 20 minutes after your last cigarette your heart rate is going to start slowing down which is a good thing. After 48 hours all of that toxic carbon monoxide that’s in your blood is going to get flushed out. This means you’re going to feel less tired & you’re going to breathe & sleep better. Food is going to taste better & you’re going to have more energy. You’re going to have whiter teeth & better breath & clearer skin. You’re also going to reduce your risk of lung, mouth & throat cancer.
How to quit smoking / Set a quit date & be determined
Set a quit date. You need to choose a quit date within the next 2 weeks. Then, you’ve sufficient time to take mental preparation to quit smoking. Stay focussed & determined. If you smoke at work then it’s better to quit on weekends. You can also talk to your Doctor & take help. Your immune system is going to get a massive boost when you quit smoking. You’re going to heal faster & you’re going to be less likely to get ill. Also, think about the money you’re going to save monthly or annually when you quit smoking.
I know that it’s difficult to quit & you might relapse. But, please stay strong & don’t relapse. Because the journey again will be much more difficult than you 1st started. But, you must have a strong determination. You now know what to do & you’re awesome & you’ll succeed if you’re truly determined.