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How to lose weight naturally and fast

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How to start your weight loss journey

We’ll have to agree that weight loss has become a complicated issue. There are so many different types of diets & advice out there & it’s confusing. We don’t know what to follow & we get different & conflicting advice. This blog will attempt to simplify it today & back it up with science. Here, I’m sharing with all my readers 9 tips that will help everyone to lose weight by shedding those extra kilos & keeping it off. These are not any short-term fixes. If you’ve tried everything in your power to lose weight & still with no result though you’re doing all the right exercises & things then it’s time to see a doctor. It can be a hormonal issue & it’s always better to get a diagnosis. After the diagnosis, you’ll know what you’re dealing with & you can change your approach towards your weight loss goal.

How to lose weight naturally and fast / Change your lifestyle if you want to lose weight

Many people will tell you that it’s really difficult to lose excess weight after you’ve turned 30 but that’s a misconception. If you’re focused, determined & do it correctly then it’s possible. The secret to weight loss lies in 3 things – determination, consistency & lifestyle changes. Whatever you do, you need to do it consistently & make it a long-term change. Because if it’s a short-term change then it will be a short-lived success. You’ll lose weight & then you’ll regain it & then it’ll be even more difficult for you to lose weight again. Do you know why so many people go on diets & then they regain the weight ?. Please understand that only diet will not help you to lose weight. You also have to make it a lifestyle change & it’s a must if you want to lose weight.

How to lose weight naturally and fast / Say no to added sugar

Obesity is a curse for healthy & long living. If you want to lose weight then the 1st tip is to cut back on added sugar. I’m saying about added sugar & not natural sugar found in fruits & vegetables. I’m saying about sugar like white sugar, high fructose corn syrup, maple syrup, honey, fruit juice & coconut sugar. These are all added sugars. So, you must be wondering why added sugar is such a problem ?. Studies show that people who consume a lot of added sugar are at a higher risk of obesity, diabetes & heart disease. Always avoid added sugar if you want to remain healthy. You can reduce your added sugar even if you’re new & a beginner. 1st, you need to reduce the amount of processed food you eat. Focus on whole foods because whole foods don’t have any added sugar.

You’re automatically cutting down on added sugar if the major part of your diet is whole foods. Always, read the labels of the container if you do decide to eat some of the heavily processed foods. Because by reading the labels of the container you can tell if there’s too much sugar added in something or not. The 2nd thing I would say is to reduce the amount of sugar that you’re having in the form of liquids because it’s so easy to overdo. It’s so easy to have multiple glasses of juice or Cola. Reduce all of that because that is sugar & it’s unhealthy for your body. So, you need to cut back on the liquid calories.

How to lose weight naturally and fast / Cut down on carbohydrates

The 2nd tip is to cut down on refined & finely milled carbohydrates. When it comes to weight loss, carbs get a really bad rap. It’s about eating the right carbs & in the right amounts & in a proportionate way. Now what type of carbs are not suitable ?. Refined carbohydrates. These are the carbs that can increase your blood sugar quickly & not good for your health. They don’t have much fiber & they’re essentially extremely processed. Examples of refined carbohydrates are foods like cookies, pastries, cakes, most store-bought bread, breakfast cereal, fruit juice, snacks that have any sort of refined flour in them. If you’re going to have carbs, it’s better to get them from whole food sources. Carbs from whole foods such as whole fruits, vegetables, beans & lentils. It’s refined carbohydrates. Those are the carbs that we need to restrict.

How to lose weight naturally and fast / Get enough fiber

Eat enough fiber, fruits & vegetables. For weight loss, I think one of the most important things is to eat in a way where you’re full for longer. So you’re not mindlessly snacking throughout the day & 1 way to do this is to get enough fiber, especially soluble fiber. People who’ve more soluble fiber tend to be of lesser weight. Things like oats, flax seeds, chickpeas, Brussels sprouts, have quite a bit of fiber & they will keep you full & satisfied for quite some time. In addition to eating a lot of fiber from these kinds of foods in general, I would recommend increasing your fruit & veggie intake. Try to eat at least half a plate of fruits & veggies for the majority of your meals.

How to lose weight naturally and fast / Get enough protein

Get enough protein in food image for how to lose weight naturally and fast blog

You need to have enough protein every day. I suggested before to eat enough fiber & that was to keep you fuller for longer. I’ll tell you the same for protein. If you eat enough protein throughout the day, you will stay fuller for longer & which will help manage the cravings & all that mindless snacking. With every single meal, you need to have a quarter plate of protein. Because by having a quarter plate of protein with every meal, you’ll get the required protein throughout the day. It’ll also stabilize your blood sugar & you’ll not eat all those extra junk foods as you don’t want it anymore.

Enjoy your meal

Enjoy your meal image for how to lose weight naturally and fast blog

Eat thoroughly & slowly. In today’s fast-paced world, we’re all eating very quickly & the problem with eating quickly is that it’s very easy to overeat & get extra calories. Also, by eating quickly the food will not be properly digested. You don’t want to overeat, especially when you’re trying to lose weight & some studies show that people who eat quickly tend to be a higher weight & it’s probably because it’s very easy to overeat. I suggest eating slowly, chewing your food thoroughly & enjoying your food. Don’t try to eat family style where you’re putting everything out on the table. It’s so easy to have a 2nd helping but that is not helpful when you’re trying to lose weight. So plate up your meal in your kitchen, bring it to the table & enjoy it, but try not to have 2nd helpings.

Sleep well

Man sleeping Image for how to lose weight naturally and fast blog

Get enough sleep. Everyone talks about exercise & diet when it comes to losing weight but no one talks about sleep the fact of the matter is – sleep is very important for weight loss. If you’re struggling with weight loss & you’ve been doing everything else right, have a look at your sleep. A study from 2008 shows that a short sleep duration increased the likelihood of obesity in adults by 55%. That’s a lot. So my advice is to focus on good sleep. Make sure that you’re getting at least 8 hours of sound sleep at night.

Track your progress

Track your progress. But that doesn’t mean you need to track your weight or measurements every day. That can be way too much but tracking your progress can be a very helpful & useful thing when it comes to achieving your goals. As per American Psychological Association, people are more likely to achieve their goals who tracking their progress. So what you should do ?. You should track your weight & measurements because your weight alone is not a very good gauge of your progress. Weight & measurements. Track it every single week. If you can do that & you can see progress, you’re going to be more motivated. And even if you don’t see progress, at least you know that there is something that’s not working right & you can make the necessary changes to make things right.

Reduce your stress

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Reduce your stress. Live a stress-free life. Now when it comes to stress, everyone’s a bit different. Some people lose weight under stress & some people gain it. Now if you’re someone who is struggling with your weight, you’ve tried diet & exercise, have a look at your stress levels. Sometimes, when we produce too much cortisol, which is the stress hormone, we can have a very tough time losing those extra kilos, especially the weight around the abdominal area. That is associated with high-stress levels. So you need to figure out a way to reduce your stress. You can’t eliminate it but you can figure out a way to manage it. Meditation is a very good example to reduce stress.

Do more NEAT

When it comes to weight loss, we all know diet & exercise go hand-in-hand. Exercise is important. Walking is a very good exercise to keep you fit & healthy. You can do aerobic exercise in the form of brisk walking. People who do more NEAT tend to be of lesser weight. So what’s NEAT ?. NEAT is Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis. It’s a scientific term but basically, it’s all the calories you’re burning while not exercising, eating, or sleeping. So things like cooking in the kitchen, cleaning your car or house & walking to the bus stop. All these activities are not physical exercise but they’re still activities that burn calories & they add up, especially if you’re doing them daily & consistently. So, I would suggest increasing your NEAT & you’ll be able to lose weight faster than just focusing on exercise alone.

Drink water before meals

A woman drinking water image for how to lose weight naturally and fast blog

Drinking water will indeed help to lose weight. Drinking water boosts metabolism by 24–30 % for 1– 2 hours, & helps in burning a few more calories. Few studies showed that drinking half a liter (17 ounces) of water about 30 minutes before meals helped people to eat fewer calories & lose 40 % – 44 % more weight, as compared to those who didn’t drink the water.

Eat eggs for breakfast

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Eating whole eggs have lots of benefits & it helps to lose weight. Studies show that eating whole eggs helps you to eat fewer calories for the next 36 hours & helps to lose weight & unwanted body fat.

Drink black coffee

Black Coffee Image

Good quality coffee is filled with antioxidants & has several health benefits. Studies show that caffeine in coffee boosts metabolism by 3 % – 12 % & speeds up burning fat by 10 % – 30 %. But don’t add too much sugar to your coffee because if you do then it won’t serve the purpose to lose weight.

Drink green tea

Green Tea Image

Green tea has many health benefits just like black coffee. Small amounts of caffeine are present in green tea & are filled with antioxidants called catechins. Catechins work synergistically with caffeine to increase fat burning.

Do exercise 6 days a week

A Man running on trade mill Image for how to lose weight naturally and fast blog

Exercise can do wonders to lose weight. Do cycling for at least 30 minutes 6 days a week. Brisk walking is also a very good exercise. Similarly, you can run on a trade mill for 10 – 15 minutes 6 days a week. Jumping Rope is another very exercise to burn calories. Last but not the least, if you know swimming then it’s the best exercise to keep you fit & healthy forever. Swimming is very helpful to burn calories & lose weight fast.

Go to a gym & lift the weight

A man doing exercise Image for how to lose weight naturally and fast blog

Lifting weights is a very good way to lose weight. You just don’t want to lose weight but also want to build muscle. A toned body is not only healthy but looks great also. Don’t just lift weights when you go to a gym. You should do warm-up 1st for at least 15 minutes before lifting weights. Freehand exercises like the parallel bar, chin up, push up are ideal for endurance & strength & also for warm-up.

How to lose weight naturally and fast / Conclusion

All of these tips may seem very simple & basic, but that is because they are. A substantial weight loss is natural unless you’ve got a hormonal problem, then you require a slightly different path. With the simple things. With the foundation. It’s all about consistency & making these things a lifestyle change & that is where most people struggle. I would suggest if you’re a beginner & you’re just starting, focus on the foundation. The foundation is diet, exercise, sleep & stress management. If you can tackle these, you will start to see positive results. Losing weight is not difficult. It takes proper planning, focus & determination. It’s just like gaining weight & building muscles. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this blog. Bye for now until the next blog.

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