What’s success ?. How to be successful in life ?
What does success look like ?. What does it take ?. People who’re committed to being successful with whatever they’re doing, 1 important aspect of their life is, that’s what gets you across so many obstacles & barriers in our life. This happened in your school or your university. Later in your work. It’s happening to people. Maybe not to everyone but to a whole lot of people. Their commitment to success is weak. They want to succeed. But, they’ll take 3 steps, then something little interesting happens here, they’ll go away here, they’ll go away there. Their commitment to success is weak.
Commitments to success. How to be successful in life ?
Situations can prevent you from doing what you’re doing very easily. Many times it happens to everyone. When this happens then people weaken their commitment to their success. Maybe physically they’ll feel a little weak. They’ll weaken their commitment to success. People must come out of this virus successfully no matter however long it takes. Our commitment to success should not wear out because there’s social or physiological or psychological drama happening. No matter what happens, your commitment to success should not weaken. That is what gets you across so many lines & barriers in our life. So, what does success look like ?. What does it take ?.
Be restless. Get out of your comfort zone

Those who made any significant achievements in their life didn’t weaken their commitments. A family who always has their breakfast on time. And after breakfast, they must have tea. After tea, they must light up a cigarette because they’re trying to relax. Then they’ll go to work & come back home precisely on time for lunch. They’ll eat lunch & rest for 1 or 2 hours & sleep. Then evening has 1 tea & then smoke & then again go to work. At 8 o’clock they’re back home for dinner & then maybe drink & etc. That’s their priority.
Those who’ve been very successful either in music, sport, art, business, spiritual process, doesn’t matter what, those people never know when they ate, when they slept, when they got afternoon rest. So, for those who’re committed to being successful with whatever they’re doing, 1 important aspect of their life is, they’re not settling down wherever it’s a bit comfortable. Because comfort will come when they place you in the grave. Very comfortable you’re then. When they’re dead if someone throws them there then also they’re comfortable. If you lower them, they’re comfortable. Even if you burn them comfort will come.
Be vigorously active always. Laziness & procrastination is a vice
It’s about ensuring that there’s the profoundness of experience & there’s impactfulness of activity. Because if they had given you an infinite amount of time, you could do all those things. But they gave you such a limited time with such tremendous potential of being human. That’s the problem. If creation had made you like an earthworm then it’s just that it’s a unipolar potential. It can only do that much. An earthworm never thinks of climbing a tree. Because it knows it’ll be eaten up by the birds. It never has such aspirations. It just wants to recycle the earth. It’s beneficial to so many other lives, including us. Its objective is very clear. To eat & to reproduce & to die. That purpose to fulfill he strives. Earthworm doesn’t sleep in the afternoon. Earthworms were all vigorously active in the afternoon.
Human Beings & its limitless potentials
A human being comes with unlimited potentials. Therefore, to consider yourself a success it needs a certain level of striving for a human being to forget about the world. If your idea of success is, you’re doing little better than your neighbor, then it’s sickness. That’s not success. You’re glad that your neighbor is worse than you. Is this sickness or success ?. It’s sickness. But, you feel content with what you’re doing. It’s unimportant whether you’re better or worse than somebody. That question should not even arise in your mind. But in some way, you feel you’re using yourself fully & there’s a certain sense of fulfillment in your activity. If you can close your eyes & simply sitting doing nothing, that’s fantastic. But you cannot do that right now. You can’t close your eyes & become still.
Instead of being busy, you’ll become preoccupied. That doesn’t mean you’re improving. But it means you’re regressing in some way. The problem with success is, people always make judgments & form opinions. At 1 time, you were a monkey. Charles Darwin said you were all monkeys. It’s not a mistake that you committed that you were a monkey ?. It was just a certain stage of evolution. Since you were born because as a human being, you’re born mostly unformed, unlike other creatures.
Conclusion. How to be successful in life ?
Other creatures if their food or shelter is taken care of, they know what to do with their life. Human being has come with such limitless possibilities. You come unformed. You don’t come fixed. You’ve to fix yourself. Different people throw different types of challenges at you. From all over, your parents, your teachers, the school, the neighbors & the society & the world throws all kinds of things at you. To gather all this muck & make something worthwhile out of yourself is your business. That’s your success. It’s unimportant whether somebody thinks you’re worthwhile or not. You feel you are a worthwhile life. That’s good enough. The world may not recognize it. But it doesn’t matter. What matters is that you know that you’re worthwhile. That’s your success & be happy always.